Vtrick. This template is inspired by CSS-Trick, which belongs to the category of personal templates. Vtrick is a blogger template with multiple widgets, allowing it to be adapted to news websites, magazines, blogs, presentations, etc.

Vtrick has many premium sections that will undoubtedly make your page look and function professionally. Some of these sections are: Dark Mode, Advanced Preload, Responsive, Fake Post Rating, Responsive YouTube Videos, SEO Optimised, Multiple Ad Spaces, Cookie Consents, etc. Vtrick

seo friendly
mobile friendly
404 page
Fast charge
Featured post
List for Adsense
responsive page pie
buttons to social networks
ads ready
Multiple dropdown menu
search box
Barra lateral
Thumbnail Related Posts
Social share button
Multiple customizable widgets
detailed documentation
Menu and responsive design
Responsive download buttons
comments section
Vtrick Premium Blogger Template


The sensitive, receptive or better known as responsive pages are the ones that position best in the search of the different engines. This is because a large part of web browsing is done, for example, from mobile devices. Sites that have this feature will stand out from the rest.

seo friendly

Templates with this feature are those with well-constructed titles, fast loading, well-organized code, etc. Having friendly SEO is going to help you a lot in the task of optimizing your site for search engines.Vtrick

Fast charge

A design that loads quickly offers a better experience, which translates into fewer readers leaving your site prematurely and better search engine rankings.

Adsense enabled

Try to have your site as organized and with valuable content; the template is waiting to connect with Adsense so that you can generate income. Remember that Adsense is the best option to monetize your page.Vtrick

Important Features of the Premium Version

  • Editable Footer Credits
  • No encrypted scripts
  • For unlimited domains
  • All active features
  • And much more…

Item Code: WEB2

Price:70 TK / $1